Where We Can Help
  • TRUE Net Zero Waste Rating System Assessment
  • Waste Audit and Minimization Strategies

Working towards a world with no wasting

Due to the global pressure of resource scarcity, solutions to manage waste is vitally important. The best approach to waste management is to reduce the amount of waste that arises in the first place.

The better management of waste has a major role to play in tackling climate change and it is valuable resource that should be exploited for its benefit and not solely a disposal problem. Another factor is segregating waste at the point of production is also critical to the safe management of waste. Segregation not only helps to control the costs associated with waste but also ensures that the correct pathways are adopted for the storage, transport and disposal of waste.

Our TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) Advisors implement waste minimization programs for various building typologies and design waste strategies for new developments. Our solutions are innovative, environmentally sound, and legally compliant to tackle waste management issues.

This promotes positive alternatives to landfill and incineration and to raise community awareness of the social and economic benefits to be gained when waste is regarded as a resource.

Do you want to design out waste?